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Fursuit Name: Calafin
Database ID: 110
Added: 2006-09-27
Last updated: 2006-09-27
Nb views: 7910
Species: dolphin
Built by: Mixed Candy - Latin Vixen
Description: Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphin
Owner: naketa   
List fursuits owned by naketa
Created: 2005-12-25
First appearance: Further confusion 06
Cons attended: FC2006 , FC2007 , MP2005 , MP2006
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 50
Partial Fursuit: no
Special Types: balaclava head , moveable jaw
Available for performing: yes
Characteristics: Baklava head with Flexible jaw, Foam Muscled chest with pierced nipples, Thick Tailstock, 3-toed hands, 2-toed feet
Notes: Fursuit is COmfortable, and usbale for lenghty periods in A/C, vision is clear but limited field of view, Very comfortable and well balanced, even with tail and dorsal.
Suit Journal:
First went to FC'06, furs loved suits, especially nipples. 2nd con was Megaplex '06, great suit, but got hot in florida sun. Foam acts as exellent anti-sweat absorber!


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